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Tag Archives: relationships

Lies hurt, there are no two ways about it.

When they come from someone you thought you could trust, then that hurt is compounded quite significantly.

I have a difficulty in opening up and letting people get to know the ‘real’ me, as it were. I’ve had more than one friend who has gotten to know me a little better and compared me to Shrek in the whole ‘onions have layers’ analogy.

So when you have someone, one of less than a handful of people who you have let in completely, dropped all your armour and let them see the real, raw you, take all that trust that you thought was reciprocated and throw it back in your face, it stings more than a little.

The saddening thing is that as far as I can tell, they aren’t doing it maliciously. It’s just their way of coping with difficulties in their circumstances. But that doesn’t mean it can be dismissed or forgiven so easily.

And, predictably, the end result is that I realise I am going to have immense difficulty in letting someone get that close to me again. But on a more positive note, anger at betrayal allows one to move on swiftly.

The trick is to never look back.